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Helping our community thrive at Dublin Pride 2021

The world may have changed but our commitment to diversity and celebrating it within all communities remains as strong as ever.

Culture | know you can pride
May 24th, 2024

We’re extremely proud to continue our silver sponsorship of Dublin Pride for the fourth year running. It’s our small way of supporting AXA’s LGBTQ+ employees and customers as we come together to celebrate the differences that enrich both our workplace and wider communities.

This year’s theme is all about ‘community’ and, at AXA, we believe a thriving community is a diverse one.

Once again, this year’s event will be virtual and there’s a fantastic line-up of online events which are sure to educate, inform and inspire.

“We’re delighted to continue our Dublin Pride sponsorship in 2021, a festival built on self-belief, courage and equality. At AXA, we know the importance of a thriving and inclusive community, and we look forward to celebrating the virtual festival and supporting our LGBTQ+ colleagues and communities.” – Carmel O’Brien, HR Director, AXA Ireland

Dublin Pride Schedule Highlights 2021

Week 1 (June 1-6): Machnamh Brod

Machnamh, a term recently popularised by President Higgins in his Machnamh 100 initiative, is an old Irish concept that encompasses meditation, reflection, contemplation and thought.

The beginning of the week will see the launch of a short film where a number of people will discuss their own experiences of discrimination or discrimination witnessed within the LGBTQ+ community and what can be done to address it.

The film will be followed up by a series of online talks and panel discussions over the week examining attitudes towards racism, transphobia, misogyny, ableism, ageism, membership of the Traveller community and religion.

Week 2 (June 7-13): Culture, Arts and Heritage

A week dedicated to LGBTQ+ art, history and culture. A bingeable collection of content will be loaded on the Pride Player on Bank Holiday Monday including LGBTQ+ themed virtual tours of galleries and museums, walking tours, theatre and dance performances, poetry and storytelling. This will be supplemented by a series of online discussions with the artists and curators involved. 

Same sex couple with pride flag
Week 3 (June 14-20): Health and well-being

This week will see the launch of the Virtual Pride Run and the Pride Cup.

Week 4 (June 21-28): Community 

This week will focus on promoting the Dublin Pride Fund at the Community Foundation and encouraging everyone to support. Stay tuned for more on some of the community organisations doing great work in this area.

June 26: Virtual Parade and Pride Day

As always, a jam-packed month of events will culminate in the grand parade! Like last year, the parade will be broadcast live from the Round Room at the Mansion House on Saturday June 26th as part of a full day telethon style event supporting the Dublin Pride Fund at the Community Foundation for Ireland.

As always, we look forward to celebrating during the month of June. From everyone at AXA, have a happy and safe Pride!
