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17 things to avoid while you are driving

Driving | driving
June 20th, 2024

It’s important to always concentrate while you are driving, as accidents often happen when people get distracted and take their eyes off the road.

We’ve drafted a list of things you should never do while driving - read through them so you can keep them in mind the next time you hit the road.

Things to avoid while driving a car

Here’s the list of things you should avoid while driving:

1. Using your phone

Keep your phone out of your hand while driving. A call is never that important. Oftentimes it can wait until you complete your journey, so don’t answer it, and just ring them back when you reach your destination. Also, you might think that you are just glancing down at your phone to read a text message, but you are taking your eyes off the road and not concentrating properly. The RSA have a campaign that highlights the consequences of glancing at your phone for a split second. One good tip is to leave your phone in your bag while you’re driving, so you’re not tempted to look at it while on the road.

2. Not wearing a seatbelt

It is the law to wear your seatbelt while driving, so always buckle up before you set off on your journey. It will not only protect you if you’re in an accident, but it will also protect you from impact if you need to brake suddenly, or harshly.

3. Eating

Although there is no specific law that explicitly bans or criminalises eating behind the wheel, research shows that it is just as dangerous as checking phone notifications or making calls as it’s a distraction for the driver.

You should avoid eating in the car because if your hand is preoccupied holding your sandwich, it won’t be available to switch gears or steer the wheel - so it’s best to keep your snack until you reach your destination.

Or, if you’re feeling hungry, you could pull in at a service station to eat your food so that you aren’t at risk of causing an accident.

4. Drinking your coffee

It might be tempting to grab a coffee and drink it in the car on your way to work. However, this can be distracting as it takes your eyes and concentration off the road every time you pick up your cup to take a sip.

So, hold off having your caffeine fix until you reach the office.

5. Looking at billboard advertising

Yes, it’s true, the point of billboard advertising is to catch people’s attention, but it’s best to avoid getting completely distracted while driving past different advertisements along the road.

If you are looking out your window at an advertisement, you may take your eyes fully off the road ahead and lose your concentration, which could cause a serious accident.

Your safety is paramount on the road, but there are also great secondary benefits to being a safe driver, such as a clear claims record and likely a higher no claims discount.

6. Wearing high heels

Braking and accelerating becomes extremely difficult if you wear high heels while driving. So, always wear flat shoes to ensure that you have the full range of motion and movement in your legs so you can brake and accelerate easily.

7. Speeding

Always stay aware of the speed limit on the road you are driving on. It’s important to keep an eye out for signs displaying changed speed limits along your journey so you can slow down or speed up as needed.

You should never break speed limits as they are there for a reason, to eliminate the risk of people crashing. Stats show that between 10 and 15% of car accidents are a result of speeding.

8. Tailgating

Driving close to the vehicle in front of you is extremely dangerous and could cause an accident if the car in front of you needs to slam on the brakes. You may not have enough time to react and brake which could cause an accident. In this case, you would be at fault for the accident.

Also, it’s important to watch out for someone tailgating you. If you notice that someone is driving close behind you, move out of their way, if possible, and let them pass you out. It’s best to let them pass so you can avoid the risk of an accident occurring.

9. Driving while drinking alcohol

As the saying goes ‘Never ever drink and drive’. This is important to follow as it is extremely dangerous to drive when your judgement is impaired by alcohol. There are also legal limits and penalty implications if a driver is caught driving under the influence. You can see more information about the penalties and limits for drink driving here.

10. Driving when tired

If you need to catch some Zzz’s, don’t get behind the wheel! Avoid driving if you’re either tired or it’s late at night - in those situations, you run the risk of not having full concentration levels while on the road. According to a European Road Safety Observatory report on Fatigue (ERSO, 2018), fatigue is a major factor in a large proportion of road traffic collisions (10-20%) and is associated with an increased risk of crashing. This shows how important it is to avoid driving while you’re tired or if you’re at risk of becoming fatigued during your journey.

11. Having road rage

Everyone gets a little stressed out while driving sometimes, but it’s important to minimise this as much as possible. It’s important to keep composure while driving to avoid getting into an accident.

12. Getting distracted by your children

Avoid getting distracted by your children in the back seats. If they are bickering it’s important to keep your cool and focus on the road. Don’t try turning around to correct them, you never want to take your eyes off the road, as it only takes a couple of seconds with your eyes off the road to cause an accident.

13. Applying makeup

Applying makeup while in the car takes both your eyes off the road and your hands off the steering wheel. So, don’t pick up your makeup brush while driving, leave it until you get to your destination, or ensure you have time to do it before you leave to go on your journey.

Doing your blusher is not worth the risk of causing a crash!

14. Don’t transport a load that’s too big for your car

Transporting a load that is too big for your car can impact your braking distances and cause you to lose control of the car. So, it’s important to ensure that you don’t take on a load that’s too big for your car so you can eliminate the risk of losing control of your car or causing an accident.

15. Adjusting your mirrors

It’s important to adjust your mirrors before you start driving, because if you try to adjust them while driving you will lose your focus and take your eyes off the road ahead.

16. Driving barefoot

Driving barefoot would not only be uncomfortable, but it also reduces the grip you have on the pedals. This will impact your ability to react if you need to brake suddenly.

So, always wear shoes when driving!

17. Using headphones

If you use headphones while driving, it will limit the volume of outside noises, which you may need to be aware of e.g., cars beeping, ambulances etc.

So, it’s best to just listen to the stereo in your car rather than using headphones.

Car insurance options

If you’re looking for a car insurance quote, simply apply online with AXA today. If you’re a young driver, you can check out our website for more information about our young driver insurance offering.

Contact the AXA team if you have any questions, we’ll be happy to help you out.

Tags: driving
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