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Farm safety during harvest season

Farming | farm
July 28th, 2022

With harvest season well under way, it’s important to review and plan for a safe and successful one. Considering this can be a very busy time on tillage farms with a lot of machinery on the move, it’s vital to plan ahead in order to maintain safety and minimise any risk to those working with you during harvest.

Farm safety during harvest season

Routinely check machinery

It’s important to make sure that all machinery is in good working order. Take time to check lights are working and windows are clean. This will be a big help to you when using public roads. Regular cleaning also helps reduce the risk of fires.

Make sure whoever is using a machine or tractor is properly trained

Many machines are very big and powerful and it’s important those operating them have the correct training and experience.

Road safety

Follow the rules for driving a tractor on public roads and pull in to allow other road users to pass when it’s safe to do so.

Stacking bales

When stacking bales in fields or onto trailers, keep an eye out for overhead wires and make sure your load is secured properly for travelling on the road.

Children and school holidays

With children on their school holidays, they love to be out and about around the farm so it’s important to exercise caution and always expect the unexpected.

Let's make this harvest one we'd like to rememeber and not one we'd rather forget because of an accident.

Farm safety during harvest season

AXA Insurance offers a wide range of cover for all types of farms including tillage farms, such as fire cover for growing crops and a full range of cover for all your farm machinery. It’s important to regularly review your farm insurance to make sure you’ve the right cover for your needs.

At AXA, we’re proud to provide cover for over 25,000 farmers. Our dedicated farm insurance specialists have the right blend of industry knowledge and experience to help you get the most from your cover. It means they can offer you tailor-made solutions that fit your needs to drive you and your farm forward.

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