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Do I need a house alarm to get home insurance?

Property | property
June 20th, 2024

No, there’s no requirement to have a house alarm on your property in order to take out a home insurance policy. However, people often choose to have a house alarm installed to help protect the contents of their house and their family.

Insurance companies will often ask whether you have a house alarm installed so they can assess the risk of your property, but depending on the value or types of content insurers may apply a warranty that an alarm is a condition of their policy.

Why install a house alarm?

Having a house alarm can give you peace of mind in knowing that your property and belongings are protected when you aren’t at home and also that your family is protected when you are at home.

In addition to this, you can save on your home insurance premium if you have a house alarm installed. As your house is more protected when you have an alarm, there’s less risk of your house being burgled. Therefore, you will receive a reduction in the cost of your insurance premium.

It can be expensive when initially installing a house alarm, but the long term benefits of less risk, peace of mind and getting a reduced premium make it worthwhile.

House alarm and home insurance

Lowering your home insurance premium with AXA

There are several ways to lower your home insurance premium with AXA. We offer up to a 30% no claims discount after 3 consecutive years without any claims; you can save 15% when you get a quote online if you increase the excess on your home insurance, we will lower the premium on your home insurance, and as mentioned above, having an approved working house alarm can give you a further 10% discount on your premium.

Tags: property
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