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Do speed cameras reduce serious road accidents?

Yes, speed cameras do reduce serious road accidents. There is strong and consistent evidence that they encourage drivers to slow down, lower the chances of having a crash and help reduce the number of road deaths.

Driving | road safety
May 8th, 2024

An Garda Síochána has stated that the primary purpose of safety speed cameras is to reduce speed-related collisions, lessen injuries and save lives.

In this article, we will take you through proof that speed cameras work and the overall effect of slowing down.

The proof that speed cameras work

A study conducted at LSE shows that from 1992 to 2016 speed cameras reduced accidents by between 17 and 39% and reduced fatalities by between 58 and 68%.

In Ireland, An Garda Síochána works to keep our roads safer and since 2010 they have been implementing speed cameras. As a result of this, road deaths have decreased from 415 in 2000 to 137 in 2021.

These stats show that having speed cameras on the roads significantly reduces both the number of accidents and the number of fatalities on the road.

The effect of slowing down

The RSA expressed that 30% of fatal collisions are as a result of speeding. With this in mind, any campaign that is launched to reduce the speed of road users should be encouraged to help combat the number of people speeding on our roads and causing serious, or fatal accidents.

When you consider the number of people impacted by even a single road death or serious injury – the family, the friends, the work colleagues – it’s even more evident why everyone should accept the importance of promoting and adhering to speed limits and road safety campaigns.

Safety camera zones

In 2022, An Garda Síochána launched a mobile safety camera system expansion which brought the total number of safety camera zones to 1,373. These are places where you’ll find speed cameras – handheld devices, vehicle-mounted cameras, Garda-operated vans and Go-Safe civilian-operated vans. These zones are chosen after an in-depth analysis of all recent road crashes. You can find out exactly where they are by checking on the website.

Long exposure speeding car lights with speed camera sign
Tags: road safety
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