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What to do if my car has been stolen?

Driving | crime prevention
June 20th, 2024

If you’re ever unfortunate enough to have your car stolen, it can be a deeply unsettling experience, and you may not immediately know what to do. In this guide, we will take you through what you should do if your car has been stolen to help give the Gardaí the best chance of recovering your beloved motor.

Call the Garda Síochána

Once you’re certain your car has actually been stolen, call the Gardaí to report it as soon as possible. Be sure to get a reference number from them as your car insurance company may ask you for it.

If possible, when making a report you should have:

  • Your driver's licence details
  • Contact details
  • Address where the theft took place
  • Licence plate number, make, model and colour of your car
  • A photograph of your car if you have one handy
  • Logbook details and VIN number (chassis number)

It’s also a good idea to take a photograph of where your car was parked to show to both the Gardaí and the insurance company.

Old man looking out window on the phone

Tracking your car

These days, many cars come equipped with sophisticated electronic tracking devices that can be used by the Gardaí to find stolen vehicles. If your car comes fitted with one and you’re sure it’s been stolen, you should give the Gardai access to your tracking information.

Contact your insurance company

Once you’ve talked to the Gardaí and reported the theft, it’s important to contact your insurance company next. You will need to provide the following information:

  • The incident reference number given to you by the Gardaí
  • Details of where your car was stolen - with a photograph if possible
  • A description of the car - with a photograph if possible
  • The location of all your keys
  • A list of any personal property/ belongings in the car
  • Whether your car is leased or owned

Please also make sure to get an insurance reference number when you report the theft to your insurance company. You’ll need this if you have to fill out any further documents. Be sure to check whether your insurance includes a replacement car while you’re without your car.

Consider your home security

Sometimes, it isn’t just about the car. If by any chance your house keys were in your car when it was stolen, you may also need to change your locks, as thieves may be able to locate your house and could break in. This should be done immediately, because apart from the safety and property considerations, you may not be insured by your insurer for a home break-in as a result of having house keys stolen from your car.

If there is an outstanding debt on your car, you should also contact the lending company to let them know your car has been stolen.

Fitting a new door lock

Was your phone in the stolen car?

If your mobile phone was in your car when it was stolen, you should contact your mobile provider to get it blocked so the thieves can’t use it. You may also be able to switch your phone off or wipe your phone’s memory from a computer. Many smartphones allow you to track or download data from a lost phone online, so you should check if you can do this with your phone as it could help you to locate both your phone and your car.

Preventing car theft

Far better than knowing what to do if your car is stolen, you should get to know what to do to avoid it being taken in the first place. It is estimated that between 40-50% of all car theft is preventable.

Here are some simple ways to avoid having your car stolen:

  • Don’t leave your keys in the ignition when you're not in your car
  • Keep your car locked
  • Don’t defrost or heat your car with the engine running if you’re not in your car

There are circumstances where AXA will not cover the loss of your vehicle, so taking precautions is important to help minimise the risk of theft.

Locking car door with car keys

Do a background check on your car

Another great way to cut down on car theft in general is to be aware of stolen cars for sale. So, if you’re buying a car privately, do a stolen vehicle check to make sure it’s not registered as stolen.

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