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13 tips for your driving test

Driving | young driver
June 18th, 2024

If you have your driving test soon you are probably wondering what tips and tricks you can use to try to pass it with ease and avoid any driving test stress!

We understand your concerns about how to handle your driving test. For this reason, we want to give you 13 tips that will help you be prepared and confident on the day of your driving test.

Driving test tips to impress your tester

1. Familiarise yourself with your car and the routes around your driving test centre

First, you should ensure that you’re familiar with all of the buttons and icons inside your car so you know what each of them does or means. You should also check your tyres to ensure they are inflated to the required pressure levels and you should check under your bonnet to ensure you know where the windscreen washer fluid, coolant and oil goes.

The key to success is practice! Practice driving with your instructor and a member of your family or a friend with a full driving licence. Driving around the area that your test will be in will help you to get familiar with the driving test routes.

2. Talk to your instructor about what to expect on the day of the exam

Consider your instructor as a source of help. Ask him/her questions so you understand what will happen on the day of your driving test. This will help to make you feel comfortable and more at ease during your driving test as you will know what to expect.

You should also trust your instructor when they say that you’re ready to take your driving test, after all, they’ve seen you progress through your journey of learning how to drive.

3. Go through the basics of the theory test again and again

This can be helpful to refresh your memory about road safety and road signs before your driving test so you will have better knowledge to answer any theory questions the examiner asks you.

4. Focus on the things you find difficult to execute

Practice the manoeuvre you find the most challenging so that you can execute it with more confidence in your test. After all, they do say that practice makes perfect!

5. Before your test, make sure you park in a spot that you are comfortable to drive out of

This is a handy trick to let you start your driving test smoothly and stress-free. The last thing you need is to reverse out of a tight spot when starting your test!

A good tip is to reverse into the parking space before your test so you can easily drive forward out of the space and start your test off on the right note.

6. Arrive on time for your exam

Make sure you arrive on time for your driving test so that you don’t leave the examiner waiting for you. If you leave them waiting it could cause frustration and have a negative effect on your evaluation, so make an effort to be there on time.

Driving test tips to impress your tester

7. Listen carefully to your examiner’s instructions

Be sure to listen carefully to the instructions you are being given and don’t feel ashamed to ask your examiner to repeat an instruction if you have trouble understanding it. It is much better to ask and be sure of the request than to assume and get it wrong.

8. Pay attention to roundabouts and turn

You have been studying the rules of the road and now is the time to apply them. Don’t panic, respect the right of way rule and you will be able to get through any roundabout and turning exercises.

9. Respect the rules on safe distance

It is very important to maintain a safe distance from the car in front of you as it helps you avoid having an accident in the event of needing to perform an emergency brake. You may need to slam on the brakes at any point while driving, so always be prepared and adhere to the distance rules.

10. Ensure the examiner feels safe when you drive

Make sure to drive as smoothly and seamlessly as you can so that the examiner feels safe and comfortable as a passenger in your car.

11. Remain focused and calm, even after a small error

Minor errors may occur during a driving exam but it’s important to make sure that you stay calm and focused in order to finish the exam to the best of your ability. Don’t panic if you make an error and just keep in mind that errors can range from minor to major, so one small mistake doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ve failed your test.

12. Be polite and respectful

Good manners are always appreciated. Your examiner is no exception to this rule. Remember to treat them as you would anyone else to contribute to a positive evaluation.

13. Trust your instinct and your ability

You have come all this way, attended your lessons and passed your theory test. Now it’s time to put all your effort into passing the driving test and finally getting your driving licence. You can do it! Best of luck!

Tags: young driver
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