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Driving tips for long car journeys

If you’re planning a road trip or a long-distance car journey it’s important to be prepared so that your journey runs smoothly and you arrive safely at your destination.

To help you prepare for an upcoming long car journey, we’ve created this guide with driving tips to keep in mind to stay safe on the road.

Plan your route

Planning your route and getting familiar with it will make your journey less stressful. Using a GPS for long journeys is a great idea as it helps you navigate by announcing directions throughout the drive. However, in addition to using a GPS, it’s also still extremely beneficial to look at the route before setting off on your journey so that you’re familiar with which roads you will need to take.

Plan breaks

When looking at the route, you should plan some breaks along the way. This will give you the chance to have a rest, eat some food and get some fresh air. Following this, your concentration levels will be restored and you’ll be alert and ready to hit the road again.

Prepare your car

Before starting your journey it is good practice to carry out some maintenance checks, preparing your car for the drive ahead.

Here’s a list of the checks to carry out:

  • Check the fluid levels (oil, coolant, windscreen washer)
  • Check the tread depth of your tyres
  • Ensure your tyres are inflated to the correct pressure
  • Ensure all your lights are working
  • Fill your car with fuel

Share the drive

If you are going on the trip with other drivers, it’s worth considering if you could share the drive with them. Driving long distances requires a lot of concentration and sharing the responsibility, when possible, will keep concentration levels high. This will help ensure safety while driving.

If you plan to share the drive with others, remember to make sure your car insurance policy covers them to drive your car. Otherwise, you may need to add temporary cover to your policy for them. Please review your policy documents to check what cover levels are included in your car insurance policy.

Get a good sleep the night before

It’s important to be well-rested when starting your long-distance journey, so be sure to get a good night’s sleep the night before. Head to bed early, with the aim of getting between 7-9 hours of sleep, so you’ll be fit to drive with full concentration levels the following morning.

Pack an emergency kit

Packing an emergency kit in your car is advisable so that you will be prepared in the event of your car breaking down or something going wrong while on your journey.

You should include the following items in your emergency kit:

  • A spare tyre
  • A high-vis jacket or vest
  • A first-aid kit
  • A reflective warning triangle
  • A torch
  • Engine oil
  • A blanket

Bring food and drinks

Stocking up on food and drinks to bring on your journey will ensure you can stay fueled and hydrated for the drive. This will keep your energy up and your concentration high in between your breaks.

If you are travelling along roads that have limited service stations or dining options, it’s advisable to pack a picnic or sandwiches so you can snack on these while you pull in to take a break.

So, from preparing your car to packing an emergency kit, there are many driving tips to keep in mind to prepare yourself for any long-distance car journeys you have planned.

Read more: Part 1: Summer driving tips Part 3: Winter driving tips