What to expect

What to expect from a risk control assessment?

If your business is eligible for a risk control assessment, we will be in touch with you to arrange a visit to your business premises. Depending on the nature of your cover the visit may involve:

  • a building inspection (includes taking photos and potential drone aerial survey)
  • an examination of security and fire safety
  • an assessment of liability risk to employees and/or the Public
  • consideration of business risk (business continuity)

It is important to note that following a visit some risk improvements may be required. Should this be the case they will be discussed with you during the visit.

What you need to do

What you need to do for a risk control assessment?

To get the most out of your risk control assessment, it is important to have the following information (where relevant and available) to hand such as:

  • Relevant safety/method statements
  • Business continuity plans
  • Details of any training given and records kept
  • Where appropriate details on equipment maintenance (e.g. fire detection, sprinklers, intruder alarm)
  • Records of workplace incidents/injury
  • Copy of the most recent Periodic Inspection Report (PIR) of your electrical wiring